invisalign treatment" alt="">

When it comes to improving your smile, there’s no age limit. Crooked, protruding, or overcrowded teeth; malocclusion, wide gaps, or cross/under/overbites can cause you to feel conscious about your smile, making you feel less confident and conscious when dealing with other people. Fortunately, these problems can be corrected using the new, innovative Invisalign system. While …

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cosmetic dentistry chino" alt="">

Orthodontic treatments had remained unchanged for a long time, and people had to withstand the anxiety of having metal braces in your mouth to straighten your teeth and improve your smile. There was the constant risk of the wires popping and injuring your lips, tongue, or inner lips when eating, following some kind of impact, …

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dental crowns" alt="">

Invisalign is the clear, comfortable, hygienic, and discrete alternative to traditional metal braces for orthodontic treatment. The system uses a series of custom-made removable aligners to gradually move your teeth to the ideal position. These aligners must be worn every day for 20 to 22 hours, removing them only during meals and brushing/flossing. Since the …

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invisalign in chino" alt="">

When looking to fix orthodontic issues and improve your smile, most people prefer Invisalign because it uses clear aligners that make the treatment less noticeable; the aligners are removable, which makes it easier to maintain your normal diet and oral care routine; and the system is generally more comfortable because there’s no metal to irritate …

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